Richmond Terminal dredging plan introduced


Kinder Morgan has applied to the USACE San Francisco District for a 10-year Department of the Army Permit to conduct maintenance dredging at the Kinder Morgan (KM) Richmond Terminal berth.


The purpose of the proposed dredging is to return the berth to its originally permitted depth.

The Terminal, located in an industrial area along the Richmond Harbor, is adjacent to another oil terminal and a reserve shipyard.

Also, the proposed dredge footprint is adjacent to the Richmond Harbor Federal Navigation Channel.

The applicant plans to remove approximately 24,000 cy of sediment from the 3.2-acre (approximately) terminal berth. Existing depths range from -35 to -40 feet mean lower low water (MLLW) in the dredge area boundary.

The design depth for the KM Richmond Terminal is -41 feet MLLW plus an additional 1-foot overdredge allowance.

Furthermore, the material would be removed using a clamshell and removed by barge to an in-Bay disposal site.

The deadline for submitting the comments is November 4, 2020.