IADC Seminar on Dredging and Reclamation in Singapore

Business & Finance

This year, from 5-9 October 2020, the International Association of Dredging Companies (IADC) will host their Seminar on Dredging and Reclamation again in Singapore.

Image source: IADC

The Seminar was developed for both technical and non-technical professionals in dredging-related industries, from newcomers in the field of dredging to higher-level consultants, advisers at port and harbor authorities, offshore companies and other organisations that have to execute dredging projects.

It will provide attendees with a wealth of knowledge and a better understanding of the fascinating dredging industry.


There is no other dredging seminar that includes workshop exercises covering a complete tender process, from start to finish.

The in-depth lectures are given by dredging experts from IADC member companies whose practical knowledge and experience add extra value to classroom lessons.

Amongst the subjects covered are:

  • the development of new ports and maintenance of existing ports,
  • project development: from preparation to realization,
  • descriptions of types of dredging equipment,
  • costing of projects,
  • types of dredging projects, and
  • environmental aspects of dredging.


Seeing is believing. Activities outside the classroom are equally as important, said IADC.

A site visit is therefore an integral element in the learning process.

This gives the participants the opportunity to see dredging equipment first-hand and to gain a better understanding of the extent of dredging activity.