USACE: Creating Better Access to the Chesapeake Bay

Business & Finance
Col. John Litz, Baltimore District commander, speaks to Sen. Chris Van Hollen (left) and Kevin Brennan, Baltimore District Navigation Section chief, U.S. Army photo by Carlos Lazo

Colonel John Litz, USACE’s Baltimore District commander, joined Congressionals and federal, state and local partners this weekend for a luncheon – hosted by Smith Island United – to celebrate progress on the historic island to combat sea level rise and erosion, as well as to discuss the island’s vision and plans for the future.

Col. John Litz, Baltimore District commander, speaks to Sen. Chris Van Hollen, at left, and Kevin Brennan, Baltimore District Navigation Section chief, U.S. Army photo by Carlos Lazo

Baltimore District completed the majority of a navigation improvement project this past fall at Rhodes Point on Smith Island.

The project consists of two jetties, a stone sill and dredging to realign a channel. This scheme will create better access to the Chesapeake Bay and help prevent future erosion, said USACE.

While the main purpose of this project is to improve navigation, the environment will also benefit. Vegetation will be planted on the clean dredge material placed behind the stone sill.

The main goal of this work is to help restore, enhance and protect wetlands, as well as increase shoreline resiliency.

This project is funded through USACE, Maryland Department of Natural Resources and the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development.