First Phase of Plymouth Harbor Dredging Wraps Up

Business & Finance

Burnham Associates, Inc. (BAI) recently completed the first season of Plymouth Harbor (MA) dredging works ahead of schedule.

The initial project schedule projected that during the 2018-2019 season, the entrance channel, extension, and turning basin would be completed, with the 2019-2020 season dedicated to dredging the anchorage basin in preparation for the Plymouth 2020 celebrations.

Thanks to collaborative efforts of AGM Marine Contractors, Cashman Dredging & Marine Contracting, and BAI, the entirety of the channel, extension, and turning basin were completed before the end of 2018, allowing BAI to remove an additional 46,000 CY from the anchorage that was proposed for the 2019 fall season.

BAI will resume operations upon the reopening of the dredging season on October 1, 2019.

Plymouth Harbor is located in Plymouth Bay, about 18 miles north of the Cape Cod Canal. It is partially protected by Long Beach, a 3.6-mile long barrier beach that extends along the harbor’s east side.