New Haven Seeks USACE’s Permit for Beach Nourishment Work

Business & Finance

The Connecticut’s City of New Haven – Parks and Engineering Department is seeking a permit from the USACE’s New England District to conduct work in conjunction with beach nourishment in New Haven, CT.

According to an official announcement, the work is proposed in Long Island Sound in New Haven Harbor at 60-168 Townsend Avenue in New Haven.

The proposed work involves beach nourishment which will consist of 22,750 cubic yards of fill material distributed over 3.65 acres waterward of the high tide line.

The requested 10-year maintenance permit allows for approximately 1,000 cubic yards per year (10,000 cubic yards over 10 years) to be used for maintenance.

According to the release, the purpose of the proposed project is to create flood and wave protection by means of beach nourishment.

The applicant has provided the following statement: ”the proposed nourishment is the least environmentally damaging/practicable solution to: maintain the beaches, reduce erosion, and provide protection to infrastructure by reducing flood and wave impacts immediately landward.”

This proposed project will have an adverse effect on 3.65 acres of Essential Fish Habitat (EFH).

Public comments on this work should be forwarded no later than March 28, 2019 to the New England District’s Regulatory Division, said USACE.