Works Resume on Kopeopeo Canal Dredging Project

Business & Finance

Work on the Kopeopeo Canal Remediation Project continues as dredging of the canal resumes and water treatment works move to the second containment site at the Whakatāne River end of the Kopeopeo Canal.

According to the Deputy Project Manager, Ken Tarboton, moving to the new containment site off Keepa Road represents great progress made by the project crew.

Last week, dredging got underway again pumping the dredged sediments to the second site, CS3 [Containment Site 3]. The contractor, EnviroWaste Services Limited, has commissioned an improved dredge head, and is currently making fine adjustments during the next week while they ramp up to full speed,” said Ken Tarboton.

It is a good time to look up and appreciate what has been achieved to date. It can be easy to get caught up in the day-to-day nuts and bolts of such a big project so the visibility of the move to the new site is a good reason to acknowledge the 2.8km of Canal that has had the dioxin-contaminated sediment removed and the Canal will be healthier and better for the next generation,” Mr Tarboton added.

In stages, the project will remove and safely store up to 40,000m³ of sediment from the canal using the cutter-suction dredge and Geotube containment methodology. Following dredging the contained sediment will be treated using bioremediation.

This is a working operation dealing with contaminated material and we ask that people walking dogs or accessing the river to fish and so on stick to the marked access paths for their own safety,” Mr Tarboton said. “Access through the site will remain restricted for the duration of the dredging phase of the project and during some of the site works and bioremediation towards the end of the year.”

Mr Tarboton concluded that the dredging has been slower than anticipated as the focus has continued to be safe removal and transfer of the contaminated material to the containment sites. The officials expect dredging to continue until around the middle of the year.