Channel Islands Improvement Plan Available

Business & Finance

The Los Angeles District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers plans to conduct repairs to the Channel Islands Harbor facility, a structure consisting of two parallel entrance jetties and a protective offshore breakwater near the entrance to the harbor.

Image source: USACE

The project area will encompass approximately 60 acres of harbor channel, stone jetties, and an offshore breakwater at the facility.

Repair work consists of furnishing and placing approximately 30,000 tons of new armor stone, having a median stone size of 15 tons, and resetting existing armor stone as needed.

The project is to repair and restore damaged areas of the harbor breakwater and jetties to original design elevations and slopes.

“Repairs would be conducted by a barge-mounted crane, barges carrying rock, and other various support vessels. Transport of stone would likely be by sea but may occur on land using tractor trailer trucks or other heavy equipment vehicles. Staging/storage areas near the harbor for the proposed maintenance repair project would be utilized for construction equipment and supplies,” said USACE.

“The staging area would be within the paved Kiddie Beach Park parking lot along South Victoria Avenue, the Silver Strand Beach parking lot, and/or a portion of the beach adjacent to the parking lot.”

The Environmental Assessment is being prepared in compliance with the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) other Federal laws, regulations, Executive Orders, and USACE’s policies.

The deadline for submitting the comments is February 15, 2019.