Governor Wolf: Muncy Creek Funding Announced

Business & Finance

The Governor Tom Wolf’s Administration yesterday announced grant funding to implement the Muncy Creek Streambank Restoration and Protection Project located in Hughesville Borough and Wolf Township, Lycoming County.

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The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) awarded a 2019 Growing Greener grant award of $327,284 to the Lycoming County Commissioners for the work.

The project will stabilize 500 feet of streambank that has been eroded by numerous flood events, sending an estimated 4,000 tons of sediment downstream over the past seven years.

“This project to correct severe streambank erosion will also protect critical public drinking water infrastructure and reduce sediment pollution in the Chesapeake Bay watershed,” said Governor Tom Wolf. 

“This award is an opportunity for multiple levels of government to work together efficiently, as conditions and project costs have changed on the ground,” added DEP Secretary Patrick McDonnell.

Streambank restoration has been shown to improve the biological integrity of a stream by reducing pollution runoff.