Milestone for Seabrook and Hampton Dredging Plan

Business & Finance

Senators Jeanne Shaheen and Maggie Hassan came to the Yankee Fisherman’s Cooperative in Seabrook, NH, last week to announce that federal funding had been secured for the dredging of Seabrook/Hampton Harbor.

Image source: Senator Maggie Hassan official facebook page

This project will be undertaken by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, who had received preliminary funding and have been in the engineering phase of the project.

The Seabrook Board of Selectmen were on hand, as well as Seabrook Harbor Master Mike Pike, Police Chief Brett Walker, Fire Chief William Edwards, Emergency Manager Joseph Titone, as well as Ed O’Donnell and Coral Siligato from the Army Corps.

The Seabrook Board of Selectmen (Chair Ella Brown, Vice Chair Aboul Khan, and Board Clerk Theresa Kyle) have made support of this project a top priority, setting a Town policy of full support for the funding, as well as instructing management to work closely with the Army Corps on the logistics of the project.

The Army Corps have been a tremendous partner on this project, moving as quickly as they can to get the work started. This project is vital to the commercial fishing industry on the seacoast, as well as other commercial boating and charter operations,” the Town said in its announcement.