Baker-Polito Administration Announces $10M for Coastal Infrastructure

Business & Finance
Image source: Official facebook page of Brad Hill, the State Representative for the 4th Essex District

The Massachusetts’ Baker-Polito Administration yesterday announced over $10.2 million in grants and loans to assist communities in addressing deteriorating dams and refurbishing critical coastal infrastructure.

Image source: Official facebook page of Brad Hill, the State Representative for the 4th Essex District

The awards, funded by the Dam and Seawall Repair or Removal Fund and the Governor’s annual capital budget, include engineering phase or construction phase support for nine dam repair projects, five dam removals, and eight coastal protection reconstruction projects.

The Dam and Seawall program provides vital support to our communities so they can better prepare themselves, their economy and natural resources for natural hazards like coastal and inland flooding,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “Our administration was proud to recently pass a $2.4 billion bipartisan environmental bond bill that included over $500 million to help communities improve their resiliency to climate change and protect the environment.”

The significant funding awarded to communities and organizations through our Dam and Seawall Program is an important component of our administration’s efforts to build resiliency across Massachusetts,” said Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito. “By leveraging local investments, these grants and loans ensure municipalities are able to complete necessary infrastructure work and protect their communities from extreme weather.”

Coastal Structures

  • City of Quincy, Houghs Neck Seawall – $225,000 grant;
  • City of New Bedford, West Rodney French Boulevard – $134,460 grant;
  • Town of Marshfield, Brant Rock Seawall – $94,500 grant;
  • Town of Winthrop, Pico Avenue Seawalls – $100,000 grant;
  • Town of Essex, Conomo Point Seawall – $65,650 grant;
  • Town of Duxbury, Duxbury Beach Seawall – $3,000,000 grant and loan;
  • Town of Rockport, Long Beach Seawall and Revetment – $750,000 grant;
  • Town of Oak Bluffs, East Chop Bluff Revetment – $100,000 grant.