Channel Modification Meeting in Coos Bay

Business & Finance

The Port of Coos Bay is ready for tomorrow’s Channel Modification Public Meeting that will provide additional information about the proposed deepening and widening of the Federal navigation channel.

U.S. Army photo by Chris Gardner

The meeting will take place at the Coos Bay Library Thursday, October 18, 2018, from 4:00 PM  5:00 PM.

The Port of Coos Bay has proposed to deepen and widen the Federal navigation channel through this project. The Port is currently in the engineering and design phase of the Coos Bay Channel Modification project and is coordinating with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

According to the officials, this project will expand the existing channel from -37’ depth and 300’ width to -45’ depth and 450’ width from the channel entrance to river mile 8.2. The channel modification project is instrumental in facilitating future economic development in Oregon and will accommodate the growing global fleet.

The last deepening project modifying the Coos Bay Navigation Channel was from 1996 to 1998, increasing the authorized channel depth from -35’ to -37’.