Spotlight on Glazert River Restoration Project

Business & Finance

A new river restoration project designed to restore the Glazert Water to a more natural condition and minimize the likelihood of flooding in the River Kelvin Catchment downstream is one step closer, said East Dunbartonshire Council in its latest post. 

Image source: ecocolife

The proposal for the Glazert River Restoration Project in the heart of Lennoxtown is the result of a study commissioned by Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) and the Scottish Government to restore natural waterways.

The main aim of the project is to provide flood risk benefits to the River Kelvin and to reduce the likelihood of flooding to communities in Kirkintilloch and Torrance. The restoration work will physically restore the Glazert watercourse in Lennoxtown.

This will also enhance the water quality and revitalize the wildlife corridor serving the communities of north Kirkintilloch, Milton of Campsie, Lennoxtown, Clachan of Campsie and Haughhead.

Councillor Billy Hendry, Convener of Place, Neighbourhood and Corporate Assets Committee, said: “The proposed works will provide protection for communities previously affected by flooding and the wider area will also become more resilient to the type of extreme weather events that climate change is likely to bring. The works would also enhance opportunities for outdoor access and recreation.”

SEPA will provide technical expertise on the project and have received match WEF (Water Environment Fund) funding from Scottish Government.