Myrtle Beach Renourishment Project Resumes

Business & Finance

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Charleston District, together with the contractor, Great Lakes Dredge and Dock (GLDD), last weekend resumed works on the Myrtle Beach Shore Protection Project.

According to the Myrtle Beach City Government, GLDD is remobilizing for Reach 2 of the Myrtle Beach scheme.

Following the Hurricane Florence, both the Army Corps and Great Lake Dredge and Dock performed the pre-condition surveys of the beach, delaying the whole project by about 10 days.

Great Lakes Dredge and Dock has already completed renourishment work in Garden City and Surfside Beach.

On Saturday afternoon, GLDD was pumping and moving sand at 24th Avenue North. The plan is now to work from the south end to the north end, with pipes going in at Withers Swash and heading down to 29th Avenue South, where the sand will first appear, the city reports.

This $34 million beach re-nourishment project along the Grand Strand includes approximately eight miles on Myrtle Beach, four miles on Surfside and Garden City Beaches and two miles on North Myrtle Beach.

The deadline for completing the works is no later than December 15.