USACE Hosts Industry Day Event in Jacksonville

Business & Finance

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Jacksonville District hosted an industry day event in Jacksonville, Fla., August 14, to highlight the Port Everglades Navigation Improvement Project’s features and potential mitigation measures, and bring industry expertise to the table.

Image source: USACE

Expertise also included representatives from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, the Environmental Protection Agency, and others.

During the meeting, dredging and coastal environmental firm representatives introduce themselves and discuss Port Everglades project challenges and possible solutions with representatives from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Port Everglades.

The Port Everglades Harbor Feasibility Study was initiated in 1997 with the non-Federal sponsor, Broward County. The primary purpose of conducting the study was to investigate improvements to the Federal navigation project.

The overall goal was to decrease costs associated with vessel delays from congestion, channel restrictions and berth deficiencies.

Since release of the draft feasibility study in June 2013, the Corps has continued consultation with state and federal agencies regarding the new endangered species coral listings, and refining mitigation and monitoring plans.