PHOTO: Boston Harbor Dredging Project in Full Swing

Business & Finance
Image source: Cashman Dredging & Marine Contracting Co., LLC

Cashman Dredging of Quincy, Massachusetts, has just published a photo from the ongoing dredging operations at the Boston Harbor.

Image source: Cashman Dredging & Marine Contracting Co., LLC

Works on this project started in late July and will continue over the next several years.

In order to remove approximately 11.7 million cubic yards of silt, blue clay, till and weathered rock from the harbor, the company recently purchased a 33-cubic yard bucket (weighing at 80,000 lbs) that will speed up the process.

Overall, the Federal Navigation Project for Boston Harbor includes deepening and widening the Broad Sound North Channel to -51 feet Mean Lower, Low Water (MLLW), deepening and widening the Main Ship Channel (MSC) to the Conley Terminal including the turning basin or “MSC Notch” to -47 feet MLLW, deepening the President Roads Anchorage and deepening the lower Reserved Channel to -47 feet MLLW.

The dredging operations are being performed 24/7 at the moment and are expected to take up to 3½ years to complete.