USACE New England: Boost for Boston Harbor Project

Business & Finance
Image source: GLDD

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, has just announced that they are looking forward to continued operations and funding in the fiscal year 2019, following the release of the President’s Budget on February 12.

In Connecticut, the budget proposes continuing funding for the operation and maintenance of the 8 Corps-managed flood risk management reservoirs, the Stamford Hurricane Barrier, and for project condition surveys and inspection of completed works.

In Massachusetts, the budget proposes continuing funding for operation and maintenance of the 12 Corps-managed flood risk management reservoirs, the Cape Cod Canal and the New Bedford Hurricane Barrier.

Additionally, the budget proposes $15.1 million for construction of the Boston Harbor Deep Draft Improvements and $7.1 million for dredging the federal navigation project. It also provides funding for project condition surveys and inspection of completed works.

In New Hampshire, the budget proposes continuing funding for operation and maintenance of the 6 Corps-managed flood risk management reservoirs and funding for project condition surveys and inspection of completed works.

In Vermont, the budget proposes continuing funding for operation and maintenance of the 5 Corps-managed flood risk management reservoirs and funding for inspection of completed works.

In Rhode Island, the budget proposes continuing funding for operation and maintenance of the Fox Point Hurricane Barrier and Woonsocket Flood Risk Management projects, and $2.5 million for maintenance dredging of the Block Island Harbor of Refuge and $350,000 to dredge the Great Salt Pond.

It also provides funding for project condition surveys and inspection of completed works.

In Maine, the budget proposes funding for disposal area monitoring, inspection of completed works, project condition surveys and surveillance of northern boundary waters.