Deltares: Coastal Zone Management Study for Aruba

Business & Finance

Deltares, in association with Witteveen+Bos, will conduct a study focusing on the natural and man-made dynamics of the Aruba coastline and propose possible solutions.

The objective of the study is to get a better understanding of the physical system on the island in order to improve resilience and derive sustainable solutions; ‘Why is coastal erosion taking place at specific locations, how can this be mitigated and how can the water quality be improved?’, said Deltatres in its release.

Project leader Alessio Giardino of Deltares, said: “The study, including the quantification of coastal hazards and impacts by means of numerical modelling, is a big step towards the setting up of an integrated coastal zone management plan for the island, which does not yet exist.”

Sustainable development and solutions

Sustainability will be an important keyword through the study and should accompany the future development of the island.

The Aruba’s Ministry of Infrastructure has already identified a number of possible ideas and solutions that will be further investigated during the study, making use, when possible of nature-based type of solutions, with limited impact on the environment.

The tools developed as part of the study will be generic and could be the basis for the development for other services in Aruba and for the region.