Public Sediment Plan for San Francisco Bay

Business & Finance

SCAPE Landscape Architecture has just released renderings and images of the Public Sediment, a living infrastructure proposal for the San Francisco Baylands that will invest in marshes and mudflats to buffer vulnerable communities and ecosystems from the threats of sea level rise.

The proposal is developed for the Resilient by Design Bay Area Challenge, a design competition that brings together local residents, public officials, and local, national and international experts to develop innovative solutions to the issues brought on by climate change in the Bay Area.

The Bay area’s ecological infrastructure- its marshes, mudflats, and coastal edges- are at risk. The slow and methodical subsidence of the Bay’s tidal wetlands is a catastrophe of tremendous proportion not just for ecosystems, but for communities.

Combined with sea level rise, this subsidence exposes hundreds of thousands of residents and the region’s critical drinking water, energy, and transportation infrastructure to tremendous risk. To creatively adapt to this challenge, the Public Sediment team proposes to focus on sediment, the building block of resilience in the Bay.

The Public Sediment is a multidisciplinary design team that views sediment as a core building block of resilience in San Francisco Bay. The team is led by SCAPE Landscape Architecture with Arcadis, the Dredge Research Collaborative, TS Studio, the UC Davis Department of Human Ecology and Design, the UC Davis Center for Watershed Sciences, and the Buoyant Ecologies Lab.