Barnstable Harbor Dredging About to Begin

Business & Finance

The Town of Barnstable has just announced that the maintenance dredging operations within the Barnstable Harbor Entrance Channel are set to begin on or about November 1, 2017.

Work is permitted seven days per week, and hours of operation will vary depending on tide cycles, reported the town.

The work is anticipated to be completed by the end of November or early December 2017, contingent upon weather and other factors.

Overall, the project involves mechanically dredging an estimated 6,868 cubic yards of sediments from the existing 60-foot wide channel. Dredged materials will be disposed offshore at the Cape Cod Bay Disposal Site.

This will clear the channel to a depth of 6 feet below mean low water with a tolerance of up to one foot deeper, significantly improving the navigational safety.

The town also added that the contractor will use a long-reach clamshell excavator mounted on a 30-foot wide barge with a scow. The channel will remain open to commercial and recreational boats throughout the dredging project.

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