USACE: Port of Coos Bay Meeting

Business & Finance

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is opening a public scoping phase in the preparation of a comprehensive environmental impact statement to evaluate the effects of the Oregon International Port of Coos Bay’s proposed modifications to the Federal Navigation Channel.

The port’s proposed project is made up of several actions to improve navigation efficiency, reduce shipping transportation costs and facilitate the shipping industry’s transition to larger, more efficient vessels, USACE said.

The USACE’s analysis also will support consideration of approvals and permits required prior to construction.

An open house-style public scoping meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 13, 2017 to talk with USACE’s staff about the EIS process, the significance of public input and to receive written input.

Port staff also will display information about their proposal and be available for discussion.

The meeting will be held from 3 to 7:30 p.m. in the Myrtlewood Room, Coos Bay Public Library, Coos Bay, Oregon.

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