Importance of Ocean City Coastal Scheme Highlighted

Business & Finance

Project manager for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District, Justin Callahan, discussed the importance of the coastal storm risk management project at Ocean City, Maryland, yesterday at an event with senators Ben Cardin and Chris Van Hollen, along with other local officials.

The Corps anticipates awarding a contract for beach renourishment, important to maintaining the project, in the coming weeks, with work scheduled to begin on the beach after Labor Day.

After the event, Callahan showed significant elements of the project to newer Corps personnel, including the sea wall associated with the boardwalk, closure structures that are part of the sea wall and where the sea wall ties into the dune system north of the boardwalk.

The Town of Ocean City has already completed work to restore impacts to the dunes from the January 2016 storm, so the Corps’s renourishment work will focus on restoring the wide flat berm to its authorized dimensions, so it can continue to work in concert with the dune and bulkhead systems to reduce risks to Ocean City.

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