Sacred Heart University Introduces Stratford Restoration Plans

Business & Finance

Sacred Heart University, of Fairfield, Connecticut, is seeking a permit from USACE to conduct work in waters of the U.S. in conjunction with protecting a 900 linear foot section of existing coastal dune and shoreline in Stratford, Conn.

This work is proposed in tidal waters of the Housatonic River at 1207 Prospect Drive, Lordship Point, Stratford.

The applicant proposes to expand upon an existing living shoreline, at the site of the former Lordship Gun Club, with the construction of a 900-foot-long by 8-foot-wide by 2-foot-high sill (7,200 square feet) 25 feet seaward of the toe of the existing dune slope.

The sill will be made from locally-sourced, sterilized loose shell (cultch) and an area of approximately 0.51 acre behind the shell sill will be backfilled with one-foot of gravel and cobble bedding, then blended to grade with a mix of sand and organic sediment for the construction of an intertidal wetland “planting bench.”

The applicant also proposes to anchor large, woody debris landward of the shell sill to dissipate wave energy and provide microhabitat complexity.

In total, the project will result in the discharge of 1,965 cubic yards of fill consisting of shell “cultch” (265 cubic yards), gravel and cobble (830 cubic yards), and sand and organic medium (830 cubic yards).

The purpose of the proposed work is to protect a 900 linear foot section of the existing coastal dune and shoreline on the northern shore of Stratford Point from ongoing erosion and to create a suitable elevation behind the constructed sill for the establishment of tidal wetland vegetation.

The proposed work is intended to minimize the adverse impact of shoreline erosion and provide a gradual rate of nourishment to re-establish resident shoreline flora and fauna.

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