USACE to Host Workshop on Three River Feasibility Study

Business & Finance

The Army Corps of Engineers, Little Rock District, is hosting a public workshop on April 17 to present information on the draft report and accept comments on the Integrated Feasibility Study Report Environmental Assessment for the Three River Feasibility Study.

The drop-in style workshop will be held from 4 p.m. until 7 p.m. at the Delta Rivers Nature Center in Pine Bluff, USACE said.

During the workshop, Corps representatives will be available to answer one-on-one questions from the public about the study.

The study is being conducted to identify and recommend plans that provide a long-term environmentally sustainable solution to ensure the continued safe use of the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System and prevent long-term lost navigation. The study area is the confluence of the Arkansas, White and Mississippi Rivers in Arkansas and Desha counties.

The public’s input may be provided at the workshop or at any time during the public comment period.

The comment period will run from March 31, through April 30.

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