Barcelona Breakwater Repair Project Includes Dredging

Business & Finance

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Buffalo District, plans to repair the section of the Barcelona Harbor west breakwater, damaged by storms in the fall of 2015, as soon as weather conditions allow and do not pose significant safety risks to the crew tasked with performing the work.

“The Army Corps of Engineers is eager to make these repairs as soon as weather allows,” said Lieutenant Colonel Adam Czekanski, Buffalo District Commander.

“Our goal is to fix the breakwater as quickly as possible to prevent additional sediment from spilling into the harbor. We understand the importance of maintaining navigability of the channel and are working closely with local leadership to successfully resolve the current situation.”

The Corps of Engineers initiated the project in fall 2016, but unfavorable lake conditions prevented the contractor from completing the repair within the calendar year.

USACE Buffalo District awarded a contract in 2016 to Dean Marine & Excavation Inc., of Mt. Clemens, MI to repair a damaged cell of the breakwater by driving new steel sheet piling, filling the cell with stone fill, and capping the cell with concrete.

“Barcelona Harbor is a vital recreational harbor that has important implications for our local economy,” said Martha Bills, Westfield Town Supervisor. “I’m happy to see that plans are in motion to move the project along.”

Some preparations are required before the repairs can start, USACE said.

Over the past several months, sediment has traveled through the breach in the breakwater and settled in the harbor.

In order for specialized equipment to reach the project site to complete the repair, the contractor will have to dredge approximately 4,000 cubic yards of sediment and place the material outside the breakwater, down drift of the harbor.

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