Yellowstone River Bank Stabilization Project on the Table

Business & Finance

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District, is evaluating a permit application for Phase I of a bank stabilization project on the Yellowstone River.

According to the Corps, the project includes repair of approximately 590 lineal feet of existing revetment along Lower Sweet Grass County Rd.

The project also calls for the installation of approximately 310 linear feet of Type I bio-enhanced riprap upstream of the existing revetment to minimize short-term and long-term risks in the area.

Approximately 618 LF of Type II bio-enhanced riprap will be installed downstream of the existing revetment to minimize short-term and long-term risks to the Lower Sweet Grass County Rd and Grey Cliff Bridge.

The project will also stabilize an existing culvert outfall that runs through the Lower Sweet Grass County Road to maintain connectivity of the Yellowstone River to a high flow channel east of the road and remove approximately 766 cubic yards of abandoned, nonfunctioning riprap from the Yellowstone River channel to improve stream function.

The deadline for sending comments on the proposed activity is March 15, 2017.