IADC Webinar on Safety in Dredging Set for This Month

Business & Finance

The International Association of Dredging Companies (IADC) has announced that their webinar on safety in dredging, named ‘Collaboration, Sharing and Striving for Zero Incidents’, will take place on Tuesday, February 28, at 14.00 hrs (CET, Central European Time).

Dredging operations can be risky as it often involves heavy machinery with many hidden and obvious dangers with little room for errors and potentially dire consequences. As such, safety is an extremely important topic in the dredging industry.

The webinar will feature safety experts who will provide you insights on how safety risks such as hydrogen sulphide (H2S), unexploded ordnances (UXO) and mooring were handled on the New Suez Canal Project.

This project saw the largest number of vessels ever deployed for dredging operations and yet despite the high number of dredgers, no one was involved in an incident.

Besides highlighting the specific safety risks, the experts will also demonstrate how IADC members collaborate to establish continual improvement.

The speakers

  • Mr Bert Van Campenhout – QHSE-S responsible within DEME and Business Unit DEME Infra Marine Contractors (Dimco);
  • Mr Arjan Jager – QHSE coordinator at Van Oord within the project support department.