York 5 Year Flood Plan

Business & Finance

The Environment Agency has developed a detailed plan on how it will reduce the risk of flooding for York over the next five years.

Since the announcement of the additional funding, EA has assessed what changes could be made to the existing flood defenses within the city and what new defenses could be built. The results of this have been summarized within this £45 million plan.

According to the Environment Agency, the options presented in this plan are based on the ambition to achieve a consistent standard of flood protection across the city.

This plan outlines the work across 10 York communities over the next 5 years. It looks at a range of potential flood reduction measures including:

  • creating storage areas;
  • increasing pumping capacity;
  • raising and building new walls;
  • raising land;
  • building embankments.

The plan also updates the £17 million improvement project that is currently under way at the Foss Barrier.

A public exhibition was held in York in November 2016 for residents and businesses to discuss the options set out in the plan.