San Clemente Sand Replenishment Wrapped Up

Business & Finance

The City of San Clemente recently wrapped up the North Beach Opportunistic Sand Replenishment project, bringing in more than 12,000 cubic yards of new sand into the area.

In order to cover the exposed cobblestones and other impediments to the local coastal area, the sand from the lower Santa Ana River dredging project was brought in, the San Clemente Times informs.

“After the winter storm season, the city crews will go out and level the sand to increase the width of the beach by about 40 feet,” said Aeryn Donnelly-Terrey, the City Parks Planner.

“There was a project in 2005 that the public was not happy with, (particularly with) the amount of rocks brought in with the sand, so we made extra efforts to have the county contractor set up excavators before it was brought to San Clemente,

The area where sand replenishment was taking place at North Beach is now open for public use.

The City of San Clemente has a coastal development permit to receive up to another 200,000 cubic yards of sand over the next two years, and officials have been working with the USACE to do so.

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