TSHD Pelican to Dredge Lakes Entrance Bar

Business & Finance

Trailing suction hopper dredge Pelican is about to begin a maintenance dredging of the Lakes Entrance Bar in Victoria, Australia.

According to the Gippsland Ports notice to mariners (NO. 260T – 2016), the Pelican will be carrying out dredging operations on the Lakes Entrance Bar for a period of approximately 6 weeks starting Friday 9th September 2016.

The Pelican will be distributing sand spoil offshore behind the surf zone and within the spoil ground areas located approximately two nautical miles to the East and two nautical miles to the West of the Entrance.

During the works, the Pelican will remove over 200,000m³ of clean oceanic sand from the area.

Lakes Entrance is home to the largest commercial fishing fleet in Victoria and is increasingly used by local and visiting recreational vessels. Wyong Shire Council is committed to keeping the Entrance Channel open to the ocean through its dredging program and will continue to do so in the future.

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