Ashtead Technology: SubC Imaging DVRO Systems for Van Oord

Business & Finance

Aberdeen-headquartered Ashtead Technology has secured a deal with leading international contractor Van Oord to provide the latest generation of video processing systems for worldwide offshore construction operations.

The agreement will see Ashtead supply five SubC Imaging DVRO systems to the Dutch-based company, allowing them to record multiple 3D, HD and SD video channels simultaneously for future offshore construction, dredging and marine engineering projects.

“The SubC DVRO is the most comprehensive and complete media management solution on the market. It has been designed from the ground up, incorporating customized software and hardware to create a seamless technological solution for visual subsea monitoring,” said Ross MacLeod, business development director at Ashtead Technology.

“Its easy-to-use interface ensures all data is gathered and saved for a quick power-down, power-up cycle.”

The DVRO system will allow Van Oord to perform in-depth inspections during marine construction activities.

Following a field trial in the Netherlands, the DVRO systems were custom built to meet Van Oord’s requirements.