Drop-In Session on Marlow Flood Scheme

Business & Finance

The Environment Agency will hold a public drop in session on Thursday, September 8th 2016, for the local community to find out more about the Marlow flood alleviation scheme and the advanced works that will be starting in September 2016.

The drop-in session will be held between 4pm and 7.30pm at the Liston Hall in Marlow.

The advanced works will consist of building 2 flood walls between 1.5 meters and 2 meters in height, and made from concrete with a brick finish.

One will be adjacent to the towpath between Gossmore recreation ground and Pergola field. The other will be on the highway ditch at the rear of Firview Close.

The advanced works will be complete by the end of December 2016.

The towpath between Gossmore recreation ground and Pergola field will be closed for the duration of the works.

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