The Dutra Group Bags Corpus Christi Dredging Contract

Business & Finance

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Galveston District, has awarded a contract in the amount of $3.4 million to the Dutra Group, for dredging of the Corpus Christi Ship Channel, Texas.

The contractor is required to remove approximately 907,000 cubic yards of dredged material from the Entrance Channel (from station -210+00 through -80+00, and from station 30+00 through 50+00) beginning July 2016 with an estimated completion date of August 2016.

“Maintenance dredging is required annually to provide adequate channel availability for ships navigating the Corpus Christi Ship Channel,” said Steve Howard, operations manager in the USACE Galveston District’s Navigation Branch.

“All dredged material from the channel will be excavated using a hopper dredge and placed in open-water, unconfined placement areas.”

The Port Corpus Christi is strategically located on the western Gulf of Mexico and ranks sixth in the nation, in terms of tonnage.

With a straight, 45-feet deep channel, that enables quick access to the Gulf and the entire U.S. inland waterway system, the port provides deep draft navigation access that allows for efficient handling of bulk petroleum, chemicals, minerals and grain.

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