Meeting on Napa River Dredging Set for Next Week

Business & Finance

The Napa County Flood Control and Water Conservation District and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will host an informational meeting about maintenance dredging of the Napa River.

The meeting will take place on Tuesday, June 14, at the Napa Valley Yacht Club, 100 Riverside Drive (the end of Riverside Drive.)

This dredging scheme is scheduled to begin in late summer and last through November.

At the event, staff from the District and Corps will explain the project including the locations of dredging, management of dredge spoils and impact on recreational users of the river.

About the project

The Napa River Channel is a shallow draft channel approximately 16 miles long, that is mainly used for light commercial and recreational navigation.

The Channel extends from the City of Vallejo, which is located on San Pablo Bay, northward to the City of Napa.

The Operations and Maintenance (O&M) schedule provides for a six-year cycle of maintenance dredging for the Channel to a depth of 15 feet Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW) from the Mare Island Strait Causeway to Asylum Slough (downstream portion) and 10 feet MLLW to the head of navigation at the Third Street Bridge in the City of Napa (upstream portion).

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