Congressman Highlights Critical USACE Projects in Southwest Alabama

Business & Finance

Congressman Bradley Byrne used debate on the Energy and Water Appropriations Act last week to bring attention to critical Army Corps of Engineers projects in Southwest Alabama.

Byrne encouraged the Army Corps of Engineers to prioritize important local projects such as dredging Fly Creek, Dog River and Fowl River.

“My amendment would allow for a number of important Army Corps of Engineers projects in my home district of Coastal Alabama to move forward,” he said.

“In many areas, our nation’s waterways are the lifeblood of the economy. Being from a Port City, I certainly understand this and appreciate the work the Army Corps of Engineers does to keep our waterways well maintained.

“I know the Army Corps works hard, in tandem with Congress, to prioritize projects that keep our waterways and ports open for commerce.

“Unfortunately, at times, it seems like smaller projects, in our more rural areas, get ignored or forgotten altogether. While they may not include a major waterway, these projects are vital to many of our local communities and have a significant economic impact from commercial and recreational fishing, as well as tourism in general.”

The amendment also asked the Army Corps of Engineers to focus on Bayou Coden in Mobile County.

During the debate, Byrne also highlighted the important role these waterways play in shipbuilding industry.