USACE Completes Oyster Creek Maintenance Dredging

Business & Finance

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Philadelphia District, has completed maintenance dredging operations at Oyster Creek channel near Barnegat Inlet and recently posted updated navigation data for boaters.

The government dredge Currituck cleared a shoal from a narrow area between channel markers 37 and 40.

The U.S. Coast Guard has since placed two temporary buoys (39A and 41) and moved marker 38A to direct boaters to deeper water in the area.

“Boaters should proceed with caution in this section of Oyster Creek as the marked channel is narrow and because of the presence of dynamic shoals,” the USACE said in  its announcement.

The Oyster Creek channel is part of the Barnegat Inlet federal navigation project, which requires dredging to provide a reliable maritime navigation channel for the U.S. Coast Guard and a large fishing fleet consisting of full-time commercial, charter and recreational vessels.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers plans to dredge part of the Oyster Creek channel again in the fall timeframe.

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