Brownsville Dredging Operations Underway

Business & Finance

A reminder from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, came up yesterday that the Mississippi River’s Crater Island will be closed during the Memorial Day weekend due to ongoing dredging activities.

The Corps is currently in the process of removing 150,000 cubic yards of dredged material at the temporary dredge placement site near Brownsville, Minnesota.

The material is being moved from Crater Island, a temporary dredged placement site, to a permanent location at the Brownsville Containment Site. Approximately 80,000 cubic yards of dredged material will be used as fill material for the I-90 bridge project.

The cove area at Crater Island will be reopened to the public once the dredging activities are complete. The dredging is required to restore site capacity for future hydraulic dredging needs, which are required to maintain the Mississippi River 9-foot navigation channel.

The project is expected to last through June 13.

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