Officials Discuss Braddock Bay Ecosystem Restoration

Business & Finance

Greece Town Supervisor Bill Reilich joined representatives from the USACE, Senator Joseph Robach and Assemblyman Peter Lawrence at an Open House Event on April 26, to discuss the status of the Braddock Bay Ecosystem Restoration Project.

The Open House was held at Braddock Bay Park Lodge, 199 E. Manitou Road, Rochester, NY.

“I am pleased to see the continual progress that has taken place at Braddock Bay,” said Supervisor Reilich.

“The importance of today’s open house was to ensure that the community was provided with the necessary information regarding the various phases of the Braddock Bay Ecosystem Restoration Project. This restoration project is not only vital to the protection of the wildlife and ecosystem but helps to provide safe boating and recreation activity in Braddock Bay.”

Officials labeled the project a “win-win” for addressing both habitat and navigation interests, recognizing the economic potential inherent in both, according to Greece News NY.

About the project

The EPA-funded Braddock Bay Restoration Project is the largest wetland restoration project currently underway on the Great Lakes, and it is a major factor in delisting the Rochester Embayment Area of Concern (AoC).

Phase 1 of the project, which included new channels and potholes to increase habitat diversity, is now complete. Phase 2 will begin in coming weeks and will include construction of a new breakwater structure to replace the historic barrier beach that once spanned the mouth of the bay.

This phase will also include a new navigation channel, which was designed in concert with the breakwater structure to reduce the accumulation of lake sediment which has plagued navigation in Braddock Bay for many years.

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