Barnstable Outer Channel Dredge Project Kicks Off

Business & Finance

The Barnstable Outer Channel Dredge Project is about to begin, according to a statement from the Town of Barnstable Department of Public Works.

The state boat ramp at Blish Point will be used for dewatering operations with limited access available to the state boat ramp.

Actual dredge mobilization in the outer harbor channel is  scheduled to start today, subject to weather conditions, utilizing the county dredge.

Contractors will utilize the state boat ramp parking area until February 5, 2016. There will be limited access to Millway Beach throughout this period when heavy equipment is in operation in the area. The town boat ramp at Millway will remain fully available for use by residents.

The Barnstable Inner Harbor bulkhead will also undergo scraping and recoating work for the next several months. With no floats in the town marina, there should be no disruption to the public in the off-season.

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