Crocker’s Boat Yard Presents Development Plan

Business & Finance

Crocker’s Boat Yard, located at 15 Ashland Avenue in Manchester, is seeking a permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, to conduct work in waters of the U.S. in conjunction with relocation and reconfiguration of existing pile-anchored floats and adding new floats at its marina in Manchester, Mass.

Work involves the relocation/reconfiguration of 2,160 square feet of existing pile-anchored permanent floats, the addition of 864 square feet of new permanent pile-anchored floats, the relocation of the existing gangway, the addition of 1,152 square feet of new bottom-anchored seasonal floats, the retention of 144 square feet of existing unauthorized floating docks, the retention of six 12-inch pilings, the retention of 6 existing unauthorized moorings and the establishment of a reconfiguration zone around the existing marina structures.

This work is part of the expansion of a long-standing commercial marina operation in Manchester Inner Harbor.

The dredging of the basin is the subject of a separate dredging permit application now before the Corps submitted by the Town (application file no. NAE 2012-322). The permit application by Crocker’s Boat Yard does not involve any proposed dredging.

There also are other private permit applications for dredging and other structures in nearby areas of Manchester Inner Harbor by other permit applicants that have been submitted and are being considered at the same time. Those other applications that require an individual public notice also are the subject of separate notices being issued.

Three of those other private residential dredging and dock retention activities are being processed simultaneously under the Corps’ General Permit procedures.

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