UK: 3D Real-Time Technology from CodaOctopus Set For Decommissioning Tasks

Business & Finance

The unique 3D sonar technology of the Coda Echoscope® is set for new decommissioning projects in the North Sea and the Gulf of Mexico.

The benefits of the Echoscope’s 3D capabilities, which bring real-time visualisation to the underwater working environment, were substantiated in a successful role in a recent ‘plug and abandonment’ task in the Gulf of Mexico, underlining its suitability for entry into the decommissioning arena.

Echoscope technology generates a real-time three-dimensional image from one acoustic transmission, or ping, and from a single ping over 16,000 range and bearing points are generated. The total viewing angle measures 50° x 50° and within this acoustic volume, an instantaneous 3D image is generated.

The fact that these 3D images can be generated instantaneously and without the need of positioning, heading or motion reference sensors is recognised as a distinct advantage in numerous diverse underwater applications. Commercial achievements with Echoscope technology have been documented in a range of diverse applications including ROV operations where, as an intuitive aid to the ROV pilot, real-time 3D visualisation augmented his spatial awareness when navigating through complex structures.

Other projects include offshore windfarm installation and underwater breakwater construction; in all cases significant improvements in operational efficiency and enhanced underwater safety are reported. “Given the unrivalled operational and safety benefits that 3D real-time visualisation has brought to many different underwater applications in recent years, we are delighted to bring a new perspective to the processes of decommissioning,” said Stephen Auld, Managing Director at CodaOctopus Products. “We are confident that Echoscope technology will transfer easily into this environment to enhance subsea safety and increase productivity.”


Source: CodaOctopus; September 15, 2010