Ormoc Seaport Development Underway

Business & Finance

The Ormoc Seaport improvement program continues through multi-million construction works, according to the Philippines News Agency.

Gerry D. Liquido, engineering services division manager of Ormoc port management office (PMO), talked recently about the completed reclamation of a backup area and said that the project was completed in March, but remained unused as it has not been turned over yet by its contractor Mac Builders.

Another feature of the backup area is the two ro-ro ramps that cannot be utilized as of yet pending a topographic-hydrographic survey to determine the seabed depth. Dredging work will be undertaken if the seabed is found to be shallow.

Another part of the project is the restoration of RC piles that have been damaged by super typhoon Yolanda which is being done by Premium Mega Structure Inc.

The newest improvement is the removal of the ro-ro ramp at the tip of the pier, awarded also to Mac Builders. The project will demolish the existing ro-ro ramp to even the length of that part with the other half of the pier that is jutting out to the sea.

“All these improvements are meant to add the berthing space from the current eight active berths in anticipation of increased traffic,” said Liquido.

One of the long term projects of the PMO is the extension of the 283m pier to an additional 100m.

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