Dredging Management Course Approaches

Business & Finance

Only few more seats are available for the upcoming HR Wallingford’s dredging management course that will take place on 9-10 June 2015, in Wallingford, UK.

This two-day course aims to provide an overview of the environmental aspects of dredging, the latest technology and equipment that apply to dredging and the management of dredged material.

The course is designed to provide an introduction to the subject of dredging and will assist those who are responsible for commissioning and managing dredging contractors and those who regulate dredging. The course will enable attendees to manage and regulate dredging projects and contractors more effectively and efficiently.

At the end of the course participants will understand:

  • what dredging is and its importance for commerce, coastal defense, leisure and the environment;
  • how dredging is undertaken, including descriptions of the equipment used and detailed explanations of the different stages/components of a dredging project;
  • how to plan and manage dredging, and how to avoid costly disputes and claims.

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