Slippery Gowt Project Wrapped Up

Business & Finance

Improvements to a Boston Haven flood defense damaged during the December 2013 tidal surge are now finished, meaning the banks at Slippery Gowt are stronger than ever before.

The improved defense will help reduce the risk of flooding to more than 500 homes and businesses including the Haven Business Park.

Operations Manager Leigh Edlin said: “The repairs and improvements to the Slippery Gowt flood bank means it can continue to reduce flood risk to people living and working in the area for many years. Although flood banks help reduce the risk of flooding, it’s still important for people to realize that flooding cannot always be prevented.”

Work on the bank began in 2013, when repairs were made to plug a 45m gap caused by high tides combined with the tidal surge, meaning water overtopped the banks and eroded the soft silt beneath.

The £500,000 reconstruction work, which was undertaken in partnership with FCC Environment, was completed last month.

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