Corps Introduces St. Paul Island Dredging Plan

Business & Finance

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers-Alaska District is proposing to conduct repairs to federal navigation features at St. Paul Harbor on St. Paul Island.

The Corps plans to repair the 1,000-foot-long detached rubble mound breakwater; repair scour holes in the harbor’s entrance channels and adjacent to rubble mound breakwaters; dredge to project depth selected shoaled areas of the main and small boat harbor entrance channels; dredge to project depth a sediment management area; and dispose of dredged material.

The comment period will close 30 days from the date of this notice (May 8, 2015). All comments received on or before this date will become part of the official record. The “finding of no significant impact” will be signed upon review of comments received and resolution of significant concerns.

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