NMB Workshop to Address Private Dredging Interests

Business & Finance

The North Myrtle Beach City Council will hold a public workshop on March 23, 2:00 p.m., at City Hall.

The meeting will discuss the pros and cons of allowing private property owners along canals located in Cherry Grove to privately contract with the City’s dredge company in order to enhance access from their properties to the City’s proposed 24 foot wide dredge cut as part of the proposed Cherry Grove Canals Dredging Project.

Some property owners would like to dredge their property at their own expense in order to enhance their connection with the newly dredged channel that would occur as a result of the City’s proposed dredging project.

The property owners would like to save money by privately contracting with the City’s dredge company while it is on site, as opposed to having to hire a separate mechanical dredge company to come through after the City’s dredging project has been completed.

Several legal and practical issues must be clarified before City Council can make a decision on the matter.

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