Get Ready for WODA Workshop

Business & Finance

The effects of underwater sound are an important environmental issue. This is clearly reflected by main policy developments in Europe and elsewhere in the World.

Increasingly, developers and operators working underwater are being required to consider and manage underwater sound.

The forthcoming WODA workshop on 26 March 2015, in Paris, will offer delegates an unparalleled opportunity to update on the latest scientific knowledge and learn from the practical experiences of leading international experts in the field. The comprehensive program for the day will cover all relevant aspects of underwater sound in relation to dredging.

Dr Frank Thomsen (DHI, Denmark) will set the scene by talking about the risk assessment framework for the investigation of sound impacts. The following talks will build on his introduction.

Dr Christ de Jong (TNO, the Netherlands) will propose an approach for quantifying the sound distribution in the area around the dredger(s) and the sound dose.

Drawing on the results of several recent experimental studies Stephen Robinson (NPL, UK) will describe the characteristics of sound radiated during a variety of dredging operations, and identify the likely sound generation processes.

Dr Douglas Clarke (HDR, USA) will summarize the state of knowledge pertaining to predicted and demonstrated consequences of exposure to dredging sound.

René Dekeling (Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, the Netherlands) will look at the possible implications of new developments in policy and regulation.

Finally, Edward Kleverlaan (Head Office for LC/LP & Ocean Affairs, International Maritime Organisation (IMO) will give an update on IMO’s work on underwater noise.

The workshop will provide plenty of opportunities for delegates to network, during the breaks and reception, with like-minded colleagues from a range of countries and backgrounds, allowing them to exchange ideas and experiences during the interactive presentations and discussion session.

The workshop is organised by CEDA, on behalf of WODA, and supported by Cerema (Center for expertise and engineering on risks, urban and country planning, environment and mobility), French Maritime Cluster (CMF), and the French federation of companies working in the maritime field (Tramaf).