Randle Reef: New Modifications Introduced

Business & Finance

The Randle Reef project partners have announced that a path forward has been established for the project.

In the summer of 2014, extensive consultation occurred with industry experts to determine options to advance the project within the current budget envelope.

After careful consideration of all information received from industry, the project partners have identified modifications to the current project design that should result in significant cost savings without compromising the environmental goals of the project.

For example:

– Additional sampling of the harbor bottom in and around the Engineered Containment Facility (ECF) footprint was completed in the summer and fall of 2014 and allowed dredging areas and volumes of contaminated sediments to be more precisely defined. These activities also confirmed the viability of the proposed modifications to the ECF;

– The modified ECF will continue to contain Priority 1 and Priority 2 sediments, which are the most highly contaminated sediments at the site. A larger portion of the lesser contaminated sediments will now be capped in place using in situ capping. This will enable a reduction in dredging volumes and associated costs, as well as a reduction in the size of the ECF of approximately 15 per cent;

– The overall length of the ECF has been shortened and the updated design has fewer right angles, which will make dredging and rock placement activities between the containment facility’s inner and outer walls easier and faster;

– Construction processes were also simplified to yield cost reductions associated with items such as material handling and installation of the steel walls.

With these modifications, the project’s environmental objective will continue to be achieved. The Randle Reef project is a key initiative in restoring Hamilton Harbor and removing it from the list of Great Lakes Areas of Concern.

Stage 1 of the project is expected to be re-tendered in early 2015. Work is expected to start this year in Hamilton Harbor with the reconstruction of a dock wall adjacent to the ECF, to permit contaminated sediments to be removed from this area.

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