Dutch Companies Take Part in Gujarat Summit

Business & Finance

The Netherlands’ Vice-Minister of Foreign Trade, Mr. Simon Smits, accompanied by a Dutch Economic Mission and a big delegation of 90 Dutch company representatives recently attended the Vibrant Gujarat Global Investors Summit in India.

At the event Mr. Smits met with Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Chief Minister of Gujarat, Ms. Anandiben Patel proposing collaboration on projects in key areas such as Port Development, Dredging, Water Management and Agriculture.

The summit yielded a number of new collaborations in several sectors, which were signed in the Vice Minister’s presence. In port development, the Port of Amsterdam signed an agreement with the Gujarat Maritime board on knowledge sharing in port development and management.

The Vice-Minister commented that: “this cooperation agreement underscores both the synergy and shared challenges between the Dutch and Indian port sectors. By sharing our knowledge, both sides stand to gain.”

Press Release