Major Milestone for Lyttelton Reclamation

Business & Finance


Lyttelton Port of Christchurch (LPC) has now reclaimed over 7.5 hectares of harbor at Te Awaparahi Bay, east of its container operations. In May 2011, LPC was granted consent to reclaim ten hectares of the harbor bed to utilize and dispose of ‘clean’ rubble from Christchurch city’s earthquake damaged buildings.

The reclamation will cost approximately $15 million, making it one of the most cost effective reclamations in New Zealand.

In the last three and a half years approximately 1.25 million cubic meters of city fill has been used in the reclamation and it is expected there will be sufficient fill from demolished Christchurch buildings to support the completion of the ten hectare reclamation by March 2016.

The reclamation is a win-win for Christchurch and the Port,” said LPC Chief Executive Peter Davie.

Christchurch is able to dump free of charge recycled hard fill from city demolitions at the Port’s reclamation, thereby providing the Port with free fill to create the additional space needed for its operations. This will help ensure LPC can continue to sustainably contribute to the economic well being of the region as a major cargo hub.

Space has become particularly important since the earthquakes, with the majority of the wharves damaged. The ten hectare reclamation will provide critical infrastructure which is required to support the Port’s rebuilding program.”

The reclamation is fundamental to the Port’s vision for moving the Container Terminal east. The movement east will allow a better level of public access in Dampier Bay along with some potential commercial development. The plan is to create an engaging and vibrant waterfront with public access connectivity between Lyttelton, the Inner Harbor and recreational areas at Naval Point.

Providing enhanced community access to the waterfront, as we move some operations east onto the reclamation, is part of the Port Lyttelton Plan – our long term vision for the rebuild of the Port to support Canterbury’s freight demands, now and in the future.”

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Press Release