Demand for Dutch Expertise on Nicaragua Canal

Business & Finance

Demand for Dutch Expertise on Nicaragua Canal

Dr. Paul Oquist, a Nicaraguan minister and an advisor to the President for the Nicaragua Canal project, has visited Deltares.

He heard what the Netherlands has to offer in terms of the expertise it can provide for the completion of the new Nicaragua Canal.

More capacity is needed to cope with ever larger ships

Nicaragua is planning to build a canal linking the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, like the Panama Canal. The new canal will boost not only the Nicaraguan economy but also the global economy.

The growing world population and increasing prosperity in countries like India and China is fuelling demand for transport by water with very large bulk and container vessels. In order to accommodate ever larger ships, the Panama Canal is now being widened.

Project feasibility study

Deltares contributes to feasibility studies of the plans, and identifies potential obstacles and possible solutions. The ships will have to overcome a height difference of approximately 31 meters via locks from the Atlantic Ocean through Lake Nicaragua to the Pacific.

The feasibility studies are expected to be finished before the end of this year.


Press Release, August 1, 2014